S e p t e m b e r


As of September 3, I am officially an empty nester for the first time in 21 years.

As I prepared myself for this new reality, I contemplated how I could best be "wing Mom", to be supportive while allowing my kids to test their own abilities, make their own mistakes, and find their own solutions.

I decided to ask "How often would you like to communicate?" to figure out the balance between being helpful, and being overbearing. We established guidelines for how often, the time, the medium and the intent. It has worked superlatively -- both in helping them get settled and me not freak out with anxiety!

Communication is the theme for the month.

Below are two articles about listening for communication and how to communicate thoughts clearly. We're mastering Communication as a skill in the Society of Ingenious Women.



Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I’ll meet you there. — Rumi

I’ve always loved that line from Rumi’s poem, “A Great Wagon.” It is an apt description of a necessary condition of true communication, a willingness to drop personal perspective of right and wrong and be present to the experience of another person.

I’ve found that the quickest, most effective way to get out on that field is to ask questions that demonstrate interest in learning about another person’s perspective. Most of the time, I have a better chance of engaging in a great conversation with someone if I am willing to do the work to get us both on the field. 


Read about the 4 levels of listening that are critical for great communication.



I loved this article by actor Alan Alda. He made me laugh as a kid on M*A*S*H, and now he's making me think as an adult. Here's his thought-provoking article on Big Think.  



Communication is a practice I work on daily, using what I've learned from biohacking as a foundation.

One of the best ways to improve communication is to learn how the negative voices in your head sabotage you. To find out which voices hold you back, take the Mental Fitness Assessment

I'll be leading a Mental Fitness workshop at the NYSAR annual convention in Turning Stone, NY on October 3rd. (If you'd like details, respond to this email and I'll send them.)

Enjoy the waning days of summer!

Until October,


PS: What situation are you tolerating right now? Think deeply for a moment. A communication "tweak" may help. Let's find out....no cost. I look forward to solving this with you! Find time on my schedule here

PSS: Are you the shy type (not wanting to talk live just yet?) Hit REPLY and tell me what you are tolerating!  I answer each email personally.




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