🔆 M A R C H 🔆




The lunch invite was innocent enough. But as soon as we sat down, she hit me with: "OMG! Did you see so and so's latest social media campaign? Such. Utter. Freakin’. BS."

Slick images, pretentious memes, self-congratulatory captions...it was the perfect fuel for envy and jealousy. Old me would have jumped in, oozing with superior "authenticity."

We all know the moment. The sting of jealousy, the pang of envy, the whisper of, "You should do better..." The temptation to tear someone down to feel a little taller, and soothe the icky feeling of lack.

But here's the thing: envy and jealousy are the real BS. They’re a distraction, a self-inflicted detour. They blind us to our own path and the people who can help us walk it.

Envy and jealousy don't just derail personal encounters, they sabotage whole teams at work. Wasted time, broken trust, and a lingering cloud of negativity. The worst part? We often don't even see it for what it really is because there’s a lot of shame and judgment around admitting to envy and jealousy.

Have you ever seen:

1) A coworker suddenly clam up, hoarding knowledge instead of sharing?

2) Someone subtly derail a colleague's project, just when it was getting traction?

3) Quiet whispers or snide remarks that chip away at morale?

Most team-building tools are useless here. They talk to a brain that's not even online when emotions are running the show.

Interested in a life based on better, not bitter? True change starts with knowing yourself. What emotional patterns show up to sabotage you? Take the first step and find out.



Best ever description of the difference between envy and jealousy, straight from an American paragon of wisdom!



Envy and Jealousy are shadowy assassins of morale and productivity at work. This article from the Society of HR Managers sheds light on a topic you may not have through about before. (And then for a "how to" manual of how this might work in practice, hit reply and ask me for the white paper "Emotional Intelligence at Work.")


In February, I presented Living Your Values to a live audience at ChillOut in Fargo, ND.

This 3-hour values excavation showed participants how to unearth the buried treasure within: the authentic self. 

On Saturday, April 13th, I'll lead an online version of the workshop.

We'll ditch the scripts, the masks, and the "shoulds." We'll explore the mind and listen to the body's wisdom. Together, we'll uncover the 7 core values that define you, the ones that make your heart sing.

The world whispers "shoulds" in your ear. Society tells you what success looks like. But somewhere along the way, you lost track of your song. The one your soul hums, the one that makes you come alive. Come find it again.

Hit reply for more information.

Until April,



PS: What frustrates you right now? Think deeply for a moment. A simple practice may help. Let's explore out....no cost, no obligation.  Find time on my schedule here

PSS: Not wanting to talk live just yet? Hit REPLY and tell me what frustrates you!  I answer each email personally.