N o v e m b e r



Motivation feels like the Holy Grail of productivity.

On days you have it, the day rolls like a wave that’s joy to ride.

On days where you don’t have it, just picking up a pen to start a report or picking up the phone to dial a prospect seems like a monumental task.

Wouldn’t it be great to be able to access motivation whenever you wanted?

(You knew I was going to say this….)

You can, if you know how.

The key is to understand motivation, and then devise practices that work specifically for you whenever you need a bit of oomph to get it done.

Motivation comes in two flavors: extrinsic and intrinsic.

Extrinsic motivation is a reward that comes from outside of you, like a financial bonus at the completion of a project, or an added feature in an online program for early enrollment.

Extrinsic motivators work well to encourage a specific action.

They tend to be short-lived because once the desired action is complete, they're no longer needed.

If you are going for a bigger goal that takes longer to accomplish, you want to harness the power of intrinsic motivators.

Intrinsic motivators are their own reward; just doing them gives a sense of satisfaction, accomplishment, or fulfillment, regardless of the outcome. They tend to be long lasting and self-sustaining because they feel good and make hard work easier.

Here are five common types of intrinsic motivation:

  • Curiosity -- engaging in activities to gain knowledge, explore novel ideas and satisfy intellectual curiosity.
  • Mastery – improving skills, knowledge and competence that challenge and lead to personal growth.
  • Enjoyment – aligning with passions or hobbies for satisfaction in the pursuit of the goal
  • Purpose – creating positive impact on the world and other people
  • Autonomy – sensing freedom in the control over decisions and activities

Next time you need energy to tackle an important task, consider which motivator would work for you.

Could it be a piece of chocolate or a latte when you finish a report?

Or maybe focusing on what you’ll learn that you can use in another way?

Or what about deciding that you’ll start the big task first thing in the morning, so that you have the afternoon to focus on more enjoyable work?

I’m turning these into practices for myself, so that I have a toolbox of techniques to apply whenever I need a little mojo.

If you have a technique that works for you, I’d love to hear it! Reply to this email and let me know. I'll send you all the ideas I receive.

(Or if you want to participate in a live conversation, Motivation is the topic in The Society of Ingenious Women this month. Join us!)



Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi is known for his discovery of "flow", a state of deep concentration and complete absorption in an activity, where a person is fully engaged and immersed in the present moment.

Flow and motivation are intricately linked. 

Here's a half-hour video of Rian Doris, CEO of the Flow Collective, discussing motivation and flow. It's worth a listen.




Start 2024 with a wide-open and all-things-possible point of view.

I'm delighted that for the second year, I'll be presenting at this unique conference, this time a half-day workshop on VALUES. Here are the high-level details....more to come, soon!

Fargo, North Dakota
February 28 to March 1, 2024 

Attendees of CHILLOUT will get the values workshop at a special price -- $39 with with the purchase of a $399 conference ticket. (And tickets to the workshop alone are $49.) 

Until December,


PS: Need help with motivation? A new technique may help. Let's find out....no cost. I look forward to solving this with you! Find time on my schedule here

PSS: Are you the shy type (not wanting to talk live just yet?) Hit REPLY and tell me what motivator you're working on!  I answer each email personally.