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Dear Jennifer:

As 2023 draws to a close, I am reflecting on the powerful transformation available when applying the business principles of strategy and innovation to personal growth. 

During this past year, I spent time understanding what inspires and motivates me.

I contemplated my aspirations, and clarified my deeply authentic values as opposed to my values shaped by other people and external circumstances.

My 2024 plan centers on learning and mastery to move the needle toward growth in all directions.

In recent networking conversations, people have told me they are:

  • Exhausted.
  • Unsure of the next best course of action.
  • Paralyzed by uncertainty.
  • Looking for guidance in the actions of other people, but not finding any direction.

I know for sure is that the more clear you are about your values and strengths, the more creative resources you have to alleviate paralysis, uncertainty and exhaustion. 

Following is a simple tool I'm using to sidestep confusion and develop a plan that energizes me. I thought it would be useful for you, too.



Read: How to Jump Start Your Innovation: 8 Ways to be More Innovative, Forbes Magazine

Reflect and Do: YearCompass. New Year’s Resolutions don’t work. YearCompass does. For more than 1 million people around the world since 2012.

(Tip: If you’re a woman, join us in The Society of Ingenious Women to work through the process with a group of smart, supportive people.)



I’ll ‘fess up that focus is a daily challenge for me. My monkey mind often jumps from minor (but urgent) task to minor (but urgent) task, preventing me from tackling what’s truly important.

Caffeine fuels the frenzy, so I’ve replaced one of my beloved cups of coffee with Joe’y – a mix of chocolate, mushrooms and adaptogens.

It really helps me to focus, and when I can focus I can explore – so my innovation goes way up.

I’m not affiliated with Joe’y in any way. I just love the product, so I’m sharing with you.  

Learn more about Joe’y on their website.



Make the most of 2024 by aligning your plan and your authentic values. 

In January, I’ll host a 2-hour online Living Your Values workshop, so you can start your year of Strategy and Innovation with a solid understanding of what really drives you.

If a live workshop is more your thing, I'll be presenting Living Your Values at ChillOut, brainchild of my good friend, Jodee Bock. It's a casual, intimate, innovative environment to learn from some very cool people.

Click here for information and tickets.

Enjoy the holiday season!

Until January,


PS: What situation are you tolerating right now? Think deeply for a moment. A perspective "tweak" may help. Let's find out....no cost. I look forward to brainstorming this with you! Find time on my schedule here

PPS: Are you shy about sharing in a live conversation? Hit REPLY and tell me where strategy and innovation would benefit you!  I answer each email personally.

PPPS: In October 2023, I led a retreat based on values in a fabulous private villa in the Dominican Republic. It was so successful, I’m planning a similar retreat for couples in November 2024. Hit REPLY if you'd like details as they become available.